Apple cider vinegar |
Hii guys I'm back with another cool information about supplements for muscle building & fat loss, Today I am talked about in today's time there is big error about weight loss and fat loss and if want too..then we will try home remedies like warm water with lemon at morning time etc etc...and if its not working then we go to the gym trainer or coach then he also recommend another bullshit that is know as FAT BURNER..and guys they told us that if you use this you loss your fat..and because coach says we also take it after this the master of game is coming there "SIDE EFFECT" like acne, vibration in hands , dipration etc.. so guys please do not take these bullshit products one myntra for good heath is there is short cut is available.
The surpricing info--
Today guys I'm giving you a most effective and one of the best of best natural supplement, and guys, it is also present in our home kitchens and guy good thing is that there is no side effect come with the use of this miracle natural product and if you use it guys result are come to you.. 'THE APPLE CIDER VINEGAR' yup guys you heard right this is that natural supplement that adds values in your journey. guys, I'm not talking you like from scientific theory based... I personally also use this and get the superb result from this.
So guys in fat loss..guys when we eat carbs it converts into glucose form so some amount of glucose used in your walking talking activities and if you are going to gym some so used at gym..and which is almost left it stored in your adequate tissues in the form of fat.
So the first work apple cider vinegar do in your body is that when we take carbohydrate it stops extra glucose that goes in adequate tissues and its stored in muscle glycosan and in stores in your liver glycogen. That means those carbs food which gives you fat now they do not convert into fat it all because of Apple cider vinegar.
The second one is it boosts your metabolism..most people take less amount of carbs still there body converts carbs into fat its all because of low metabolism THE APPLE CIDER VINEGAR makes your metabolism fast.. because of fast metabolism result is it helps a lot in FAT loss and gain muscle too.
Guys in today's era every one goes to the gym and make there biceps good and there chests heavy but guys behind it one of the best part of our body..and we left this part ..the part is HEART. No one takes care of the heart. and the apple cider vinegar take care of your heart health
Last points is also most important but this time we also not take care of these things ..The apple cider vinegar take care of our hair and skin.. we have hair fall problem and we apply apple cider vinegar in our hairs it this problem solve.
Apple cider vinegar |
Now we talk about how to take apple cider vinegar and how much dosage is good for us. First starting dosage is one tablespoon in the morning empty with one glass normal is also help you to manage your weight. The second dosage of this is between the meals in between meals it manages your carb glucose and sends into the right direction and make your body guys if you want to apply in your hairs then I recommend you at night this is the best time to use this. If you feel this useful ..
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