Hii guys I'm back with another interesting fact to know. today I'm telling you the Facts of  Flaxseed
Flaxseed oil benefits what are benefits come from flaxseed when we take it with our meals. guys today blog is interesting because most of us don't know that how important flaxseed is. How it is helpful in muscle building fat loss weight loss or rather you have normal lifestyle how it will help you a lot. and how much quantity it will safe for us. In Hindi flaxseed is known as "ALSI". Okay, let's get started about Flaxseed.

             so, guys, I'd tell you in Indian market there is mostly food item contain flaxseed like multigrain bread in the bread flaxseed is present, in cookies flax seed are present, in biscuits flaxseed are present., In protein bars flaxseed is present So guys, there is lots of product in our market theres flax seed are present and on the wrapper of product they shows omega3 is present in item and says that  Heart healthy food skin healthy food blah blah blah!! they add few of amount of flaxseed and they noticed you tons of benefits so this is all about marketing of there product they add some amount of healthy items on another side they also add unhealthy items too. And guys costumer don't know what they do and they see that headlines of the product wrapper because of od lack of knowledge about these food ingredients and they purchase.


                 So I'm gonna tell you what is in flaxseed. Flaxseed is a plant-based seed. This is total vegetarian food. And best plant-based food that high in omega 3 non-vegetarian person eats fish for omega people which are not eating nonveg food, they have an option for high omega 3 food that is flaxseed. this is one of the best plant-based omega 3 food. And you know omega 3 is important for your heart, for brain its important for your skin for your hair if we talk about omega 3 there is soo big list is present. So guys suppose if you have Cholesterol problem so this is most important nutrient for them what it do it decreases bad Cholesterol and  raise up the level of good Cholesterol So if you have heart stroke or if you any heart problem and this problem not increase in future, so the warrior for all these problems is FLAXSEED because it has antioxidant properties present in this omega 3 is present Anti-inflammatory is present because of these nutrients it protects you from heart disease. And if you are already suffering from these this is like medicine for you if you add flaxseed in your diet plan you don't need to take medicine is when nessecery when you are on the critical situation. One this I tell you guys food is your best medicine drugs are not. we see peoples are taking too many medicines and is solve one problem and generate second one drugs are not so good for our health we use medicine for temporary bases, not permanent bases, What is a permanent solution?
the permanent solution is that you need to change your lifestyle you should change your eating food schedule and maintain it
                                 guys its simple if we have a car we don't care about service of it it makes trouble for us just like that if we feed properly our body it run problem smoothly without any problem. guys people say that they are old at 40 instead of it if you have a clean healthy hygienic diet you have so either you have 40 50 60 there is no problem is coming to you, you got inside healthy and if you healthy inside you are young as simple is that so its all depends on your nutrition. In today's time we don't care about that's why death age is near .if you eat clean or healthy food today you are investing for your life it's so important for us. guys, you take care of your body.


Flaxseed or flaxseed oil benefits are lots of like. It is High in fiber because of high fiber we don't face constipation problem, food digests nicely you do muscle building fat loss weight loss is necessary to digest food properly it stops food craving. It has no sugar because of no sugar it is a diabetic friendly food, its not make insulin level spike one the other side its also good in diabetes they all health diseases are repaired from diet plan because of nutrition this is also helpful in high blood pressure problems if you use one pill of fish oil it gives you 1gm of omega 3 but if you use 1 tablespoon of flaxseed its very good  it gives you around 1.5gm of omega 3..you add this in oot meal, smoothie, banana shake in protein shake or in cereal  in protein bars in cookies homemade ladoo etc
                                 So, guys, this is all about Flaxseed this the nutrition facts Hope you understand all what can I talk about. 

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